Set 0x725B24 in to 1. List of features:
Trigger | Result |
By default | All "fun" events will occur regardless of other parameters |
Page up | Increase "steps" by 100 |
Page down | Make attack equals to 999 |
5 | Increase battle group |
Ins | Next room |
Del | Previous room |
S | Save |
L | Load |
0..4 | Choose save file |
F + 6 | Go to room_fire2 (138) |
W + 6 | Go to room_water1 (82) |
T + 6 | Go to room_tundra1 (44) |
E + 6 | Go to room_castle_front (219) |
R + 6 | Go to room_ruins2 (7) |
Y + 6 | Go to room_truelab_elevator (244) |
G | Box |
G (in a shop) | Add 5000 gold |
O | Take out panel |
I | Put away panel |
M | Increase murder level |
P | Toggle room speed between fast and slightly slower than normal |
F | Set room speed to fast |
U | Enable Undyne calls |
F3 | Creates file system_information_962 |
F7 | Add 500 gold |
F9 | Stop sound |
F10 | Phase through walls |
F11 | Go to room_water1 (82) |
F12 | Restart room |
V | Collision boxes visible |
Backspace | Fast walking speed |
End | Based on plot, play current "monster tale" event |
Home | Battle current group (default is 140, change at 0x009F553C) |
Delete (in battle) | Set hp to 999 |
1 (in battle) | Slow down |
2 (in battle) | Speed down |
8 (in battle) | Decrease turn timer |
9 (in battle) | Increase turn timer |
F6 (in battle) | Set mercy to 0 and attack to 999 |
O + P (in battle) | Set mercy to 9999 |
During specific fights | Many testing features |